Gynecology and Motherhood

Diet for breastfeeding mother
How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

Explore symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, learn home treatments and remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Breastfeeding and periods

Breastfeeding and Periods

Let's discuss Breastfeeding and Periods. Myths and facts, tips on managing periods while breastfeeding. Also, Find out if you can get Your Period While Breastfeeding.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min

What Is A Perinatologist

Why did your obstetrician refer you to a Perinatologist? What is a perinatologist? Perinatologists are specialized ob-gyn doctors who have undergone training in managing high-risk pregnancies.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 min
Is Honey Safe for Babies (3)

Is Honey Safe for Babies?

Find out why Honey is not safe for babies (less than 1 year old), also learn When can babies eat honey and what amount.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 min
UTI Home Remedies-Feature-image

UTI Home Remedies

Find out more about UTIs, home remedies for Urinary Tract Infections, different types of UTIs, and how they can be treated or prevented.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Stomach worms in kids (1)

Stomach Worms in Kids

Stomach worms in kids can affect children's growth, they can reduce appetite and even cause stomach aches. Learn more about what they are and how to deal with them?

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min

Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Know the benefits of coconut water during pregnancy. Learn about the side effects and when to drink coconut water during pregnancy.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min

Best Food for Sex Drive

Have you lost interest in sex? Find out the possible causes and some of the best foods to improve your sex drive. Learn about the treatment options to restore your libido.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Home remedies for period pain

Home Remedies for Period Pain

Learn about different home remedies for period pain. What are the causes and symptoms of menstrual cramps? When is it necessary to seek professional help?

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 min
When to Go to the Hospital for Labour Know the signs of Labor

When to Go to the Hospital for Labour? Know the signs of Labor

Find out When to go to the hospital for labour. Read more about timing contractions, what to do when labour starts and your water breaks.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
What happens after embryo transfer

What Happens after Embryo transfer: Day-by-day Symptoms

Know What happens after embryo transfer? Discover the day 1 to day 14 Embryo Transfer Symptoms.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
What is 511 Contraction Rule and How to Know You-re in Labor

What is 511 Contraction Rule and How to Know You're in Labor

Know What is the 511 Contraction Rule? Also discover how to recognise Braxton Hicks Contractions and true lobour pain.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 Min
Heartburn During Pregnancy (4)

Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is common which most pregnant females experience. It may be due to a growing fetus, hormonal changes etc. What are the symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy?

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Minutes
What Is an Obstetrician

What is an Obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a Doctor who specialises in delivering a baby, treating various disease conditions linked with pregnancy and much more.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Minutes
Types of Delivery

Types Of Delivery: What are different Types of Birth?

There are different types of delivery options available for pregnant women. Read through the article to know The best types of birth methods.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 min
What is Induce Labor

What is Labour Induction: Reasons, Procedure, Risks and Advantages

Understanding Labour Induction, its Reasons, Procedure, Risks and Advantages. Learn How and when to induce labour and what to expect during labour Induction.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

8 Min
How to Improve Egg Quality in Women

How to Improve Egg Quality in Women

Egg quality in women is important as the fate of pregnancy and baby is dependent on egg quality. Egg quality becomes important in case of IVF pregnancy, What happens to egg quality with age? In this blog, we’ll focus on How to improve egg quality.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

8 Min
20 Natural Ways to Increase Fertility - How to Get Pregnant Naturally

20 Natural Ways to Increase Fertility How to Get Pregnant Naturally

Explore natural ways to increase fertility and learn how to get pregnant naturally. Follow easy tips To boost fertility and improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

8 Min
Placental Abruption

Placental Abruption

Placental abruption or abruptio placentae is a serious medical complication during pregnancy, it refers to a condition when the placenta separates from the uterus.

Dr Aditi Yadav
Dr. Aditi Yadav

Dr Aditi Yadav

8 min


Labor at term involves a normal physiological process, but premature labor is a pathological process. In this article, we will understand more on signs of premature labor, its causes, prevention, and more.

Dr Aditi Yadav
Dr. Aditi Yadav

Dr Aditi Yadav

8 Min

How breastfeeding impacts baby weight?

Breastfeeding has many benefits for your baby. It helps build your baby’s immune system and offers the perfect nutrition. Know how it impacts your baby's weight as well!

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

8 Min
PCOS in Teenage Girls: Symptoms and Diagnosis

PCOS in Teenage Girls: Symptoms and Diagnosis

What is PCOS in Teenagers? Discover the symptoms, and know how to manage PCOS in Teenage Girls.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 Min
Fertility Diet Chart for women

Fertility Diet Chart for Women

Fertility diet chart for women will help you to increase female fertility. Explore food to eat and avoid a fertility diet. Follow a 28 day diet plan to get pregnant.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

8 Min
Infant Botulism: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Infant botulism: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

What is infant botulism? Learn about symptoms, causes, prevention, and effective treatment strategies to safeguard your baby's health

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 Min
Uterine Cancer (Endometrial Cancer) Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Uterine Cancer (Endometrial Cancer): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Understanding the most common gynaecological cancer “Uterine Cancer”.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 Min
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby

Explore the connection, health benefits and financial advantages of breastfeeding for both mothers and babies.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Endometriosis Diet - What Foods to Eat And Avoid

Endometriosis Diet - What Foods to Eat And Avoid

Endometriosis is a painful disorder where your uterus tissues grow into your abdomen. Know about Endometriosis Diet that can help you with the condition!

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 Min
What is Premature Menopause or Premature Ovarian Failure?

What is Premature Menopause or Premature Ovarian Failure?

Menopause is a natural process which plays a major role in women’s life. Premature menopause is very common nowadays with changing lifestyles, let’s understand more about it.

Juveriya Anwar Momin
Juveriya Anwar Momin

Juveriya Anwar Momin

7 Min
Endometrial Biopsy Potential Risk and Procedure Step by Step

Endometrial Biopsy: Potential Risk and Procedure Step by Step

Unlock the secrets to detecting and diagnosing conditions, with our informative blog post on Endometrial biopsy. Take control of your health and well-being today!

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Endometriosis and Painful Sex

Endometriosis and Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)

Painful intercourse can be a frustrating experience that affects many women with endometriosis. To better understand this connection and seek out viable relief solutions delve into this informative blog post.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

8 Min
Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition that can lead to endometrial cancer if left untreated. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options to reduce your risk and manage this condition.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 min
What Is Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Does It Indicate Fertility

What Is Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)? Does It Indicate Fertility?

Discover the essential role of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in reproductive health and fertility. Learn about normal FSH levels, and high FSH on reproductive health.

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
15 Home Remedies for Endometriosis

15 Home Remedies for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a painful condition that affects millions of women. Find relief with these 15 natural home remedies for Endometriosis

Juveriya Anwar Momin
Juveriya Anwar Momin

Juveriya Anwar Momin

7 Min
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a disorder of the endocrine system(hormones) which affects women of reproductive age. There is a surge in cases of PCOS in both older and adolescent women, but what is the exact reason?

Mohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus

Mohammad Aqdus

7 Min
Endometriosis Diet and exercises for endometriosis patients

Endometriosis: Diet and Exercises for endometriosis patients

Discover how diet and exercise can help manage endometriosis symptoms. Learn about the best foods and workouts to improve overall well-being. Expert advice and practical tips.

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy
Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

Dr. Mrinalinee Roy

7 Min
Dehydration During Pregnancy - Causes, Signs, and Symptoms

Dehydration During Pregnancy - Causes, Signs, and Symptoms,

Dehydration During Pregnancy - Causes, signs, symptoms, and more. Get answers on how to avoid and when to go to the hospital for dehydration during pregnancy.

Dr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dr. Jilas Paingeeri

Dr. Jilas Paingeeri

8 Min
Snack Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms!

Snack Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms!

“Bottles fill his stomach, but breastfeeding fills his soul” To keep his soul happy moms need to be fit and healthy, so here are some quick one-handed snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Juveriya Anwar Momin
Juveriya Anwar Momin

Juveriya Anwar Momin

7 Min
Piles During Pregnancy- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Piles During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Having piles in itself is a painful experience but what if they happen during pregnancy? In fact, they are more common than you think!

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 min
29 foods to avoid in pregnancy

29 foods to avoid in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very crucial period of a person’s life. There is certain precautious measure which needs to be taken. There are certain foods which need to be avoided.

Aastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra

Aastha Mahapatra

7 min
Foods that increase fertility in females

36 Foods that Increase Fertility in Females

Eat these 36 Foods that Increase Fertility in Females and Enhance Your Chances of Getting Pregnant fast. Also follow the fertility diet plan discussed in the blog.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 min
20 Ways To Prevent Pregnancy

20 Ways To Prevent Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not always welcome news - here are the effective barrier methods which prove to be effective in preventing pregnancy

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 min
What days are safe for not getting pregnant

What days are safe for not getting pregnant?

To know what are safe days for not getting pregnant you need to understand exactly - how do ovulation and pregnancy work, about the fertile window, and intercourse.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 min
Pregnancy Mood Swings How to Deal With Mood Swings During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Mood Swings: How to Deal With Mood Swings During Pregnancy

Know about your mood swings during pregnancy and ways to handle them

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 min
Rhythm Method (Natural Birth Control ) - Advantages and Disadvantages

Rhythm Method (Natural Birth Control ) - Advantages and Disadvantages

Explore Rhythm Method (Natural Birth Control). Also learn advantages and disadvantages of the calendar method and make informed decisions for family planning.

Aastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra

Aastha Mahapatra

7 min
Protein requirement during pregnancy

Protein requirement during pregnancy

Protein is an essential requirement for our day-to-day survival. It helps in healthy upkeep of the body. This is an essential source of nutrition during pregnancy. This keeps both the mother and the fetus healthy.

Aastha Mahapatra
Aastha Mahapatra

Aastha Mahapatra

7 min
Early Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation Day By Day (DPO)

Early Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation: Day By Day(DPO)

Are you pregnant? Here is a list of early signs and symptoms of pregnancy after ovulation. We have a list of symptoms depending on your days past ovulation.

Dr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dr. Jilas Paingeeri

Dr. Jilas Paingeeri

7 min
Endometrial Thickness-What is Normal Size of Endometrium in mm

Endometrial Thickness: What is Normal Size of Endometrium in mm?

Understanding the Normal Range of Endometrial Thickness, Track Your Endometrial Health with Our Endometrial Thickness Chart.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 min
Ovulation Pain (Mittelschmerz) Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ovulation Pain (Mittelschmerz): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ovulation pain also known as mittelschmerz is a dull ache or cramp in the lower abdomen around ovulation time.

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 min
Safe Days by Calendar Method

The Untold Secret To Safe Days by Calendar Method in Less Than Ten Minutes

Natural family planning is a type of birth control that doesn’t involve any drugs or devices. Let’s understand the different methods, how to follow them, their advantages and disadvantages.

Neeraja H
Neeraja H

Neeraja H

7 min
Menopause and Weight Gain

What Must Everyone Know About Menopause Weight Gaining?

Menopause is a natural suppression of the menstruation cycle when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. Here's all you need to know about Menopause and its link with weight gain in women.

Mazia Ahmed
Mazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

7 min
PCOD VS PCOS Difference, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

PCOD VS PCOS: Difference, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

PCOS vs PCOD - What is the difference between PCOD and PCOS? Learn about the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment of the two.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 Min
How and Why it is Done ?

Test Tube Baby: How and Why it is Done?

In vitro fertilization is the most effective type of assisted reproductive technology that helps couples getting a baby. Here's all you need to know about the test-tube baby or in vitro fertilization.

Mazia Ahmed
Mazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

7 Min
Best Ways to Balance Hormones and Boost your Fertility Naturally

Best Ways to Balance Hormones and Boost your Fertility Naturally

The human body may sometimes cause hormonal imbalances to increase the risk of infertility in both males and females. Infertility can be treated both naturally and artificially with the help of a doctor or medical attention.

Mazia Ahmed
Mazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

7 Min
Diarrhea During Pregnancy - Causes and Treatment

Diarrhea in Pregnancy - Treatment and Home Remedies for Diarrhea during Pregnancy

Get relief from diarrhea during pregnancy. Learn about safe treatment and home remedies to ensure a healthy pregnancy journey.

Neeraja H
Neeraja H

Neeraja H

7 Min
 Decline in Couple Relationships during Pregnancy

Relationship Problems and Pregnancy: How to solve Relationship Stress during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is all about happy memories but mood swings in pregnancy can cause relationship problems. Pregnancy mood swings can be kept in check with effective tips.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 min
Diet for breastfeeding mother

Food requirement for lactating Mother | Diet for Breastfeeding Mother

Breast milk is filled with protective compounds and nourishing nutrients essential for the healthy development of your baby. As a mother, your requirements for nutrients increase for nutrient-dense and nourishing foods to aid your breast milk production.

Mazia Ahmed
Mazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

7 Min
Ovulation Symptoms Ovulation signs & When Do You Ovulate

Ovulation Symptoms: 15 Signs of Ovulation Days

Track your ovulation symptoms and learn Signs of Ovulation, how long ovulation lasts to determine your most fertile days and get pregnant.

Keerthana A P
Keerthana A P

Keerthana A P

7 min
Does Female Masturbation Causes Infertility

Does Female Masturbation Cause Infertility?

Female masturbation benefits in relieving mental and physical stress. Female masturbation is not harmful and female masturbation does not cause infertility in females.

Manasa Krishna Perumalla
Manasa Krishna Perumalla

Manasa Krishna Perumalla

7 Min
Top 6 Must-eat food you require in Pregnancy

Top 6 Must-eat food you require in Pregnancy

The diet of a pregnant woman must consist of the appropriate amount of nutrition. Apart from the actual consumption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the diet must include essential vitamins & minerals like calcium, iron, folic acid, etc.

Mazia Ahmed
Mazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

7 Minutes

Health & Wellness Tips

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