13-12-2023 / Health and Fitness

Ideal Height Weight Chart - Weight According to Height

Checkout our height weight chart for men and women and calculate your Weight According to Height in Kg.

Ideal Height Weight Chart - Weight According to Height
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P
Keerthana A P
Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate
Medically Cited
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  • Being healthy is not always keeping your body and mind from diseases. It’s our functional efficiency that determines our health. Keeping up this efficiency mostly depends on two types of combinations: weight with height and body with the mind. The more one can keep these factors in sync with each other, the more efficient they will find themselves in their daily activities.

  • With globalization and modernization, everyone wants to appear unique in this competitive world. Everyone has become more self-conscious than before, thereby the focus on physical fitness and diet choices have picked up a good pace. To access your fitness level, you need a height weight chart! 

  • When someone’s weight and height are ideally balanced, establishing a healthy connection between body and mind becomes easier. But to balance and to make such a connection, you have to know whether your current physique is ideal or not. Are your weight and height in harmony? To know that, you have to read an ideal height weight chart.

  • Fitness means different to everyone as no one size fits all. Here is the ideal height weight chart for both men and women to analyze their fitness journey.

What is the Ideal Height Weight Chart?

  • The height weight chart carries the ideal weight for the specific heights for both men and women. By this, you can know whether you are overweight or underweight. 

  • How much you weight and how tall you are can determine your state of health. A height weight chart informs you of the ideal weight you should have so that you can take measures and be in perfect health.

  • One important thing to note here is that the height and weight charts are made for adults and not for children. Instead of a height weight chart, growth charts are used for them.

Factors that Affect Weight

Before diving into the height weight chart, let us list the factors that can affect your weight. Some of the factors that affect weight are,

  • Health: Overweight indicates the presence of excess cholesterol in the body which poses the risk of hypertension, cardiac ailments, and reproductive illnesses.

  • Age: Both men and women gain weight in their middle age but begin to lose it in their late fifties and early sixties.

  • Body frame: People having a higher bone density weigh more than the ones with less density.

  • Gender: Usually men have more muscle mass and bone density, thereby healthy males weigh more than their women counterparts who have the same height as them.

How to Calculate Weight According to Height in Kg?

  • The conventional way of calculating ideal weight is more like a rule of thumb. It’s not based on any research or study. This traditional process has gained popularity for its simple calculation process. According to the process:

  • For men: the ideal weight will be 48.08 kg for 5 feet. And then, for every inch, an additional 2.72 kg will be added. For instance, the ideal weight for a man of 5’4” will be = 48.08kg + 2.72kg * 4 = 58.96 kg.

  • For women: the ideal weight will be 45.35 kg for 5 feet. And then, for every inch, an additional 2.26 kg will be added. For instance, the ideal weight for a woman of 5’4” will be = 45.35kg + 2.26 kg * 4 = 54.39 kg.

  • This traditional process was to help health specialists to estimate drug dosage. They often failed to estimate the ideal weight at both shorter and taller heights.

  • However, in 2016, a study revealed that the results extracted from this traditional process correlate with the healthy BMI range (from 18.5 to 24.9) for women and men. Then another equation to measure ideal body weight was suggested.

  • The new equation suggests that the healthy BMI range is the same for men and women, and thus it should work for both. The new equation for calculating ideal body mass is:

  • Ideal Weights in Kg = 2.2 × BMI + (3.5× BMI) × (Height in Meters – 1.5 m)

  • The prime distinctions between these equations lie in the taller range of height. Apart from these, in the BMI system, the ideal weight for men and women is the same.

How much should I weigh for my height and age?

Determining the right weight for your height and age involves considering various factors, including body composition and individual health. One common method is using the Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of weight to height. There are many tools available online using which one can calculate your BMI and know the ideal weight for your height.

You can calculate your BMI manually by the following formula 

  • BMI=  Height (m)^2  /  Weight (kg)

 A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal weight.

Height and Weight Chart - Weight according to Height in Kg for Men and Women

Height weight chart which comprises the weight according to men and women is highly infamous while discussing fitness and health. This may not be an ideal weight chart for you as everyone's body is unique. But it would give you a rough idea about healthy weights through the research data available. The data on the ideal weight chart for men would have taken into account men's unique body conditions and metabolism. Height weight chart for females would have done the same but this time while taking into account the uniqueness of the women's bodies.

Height weight chart

Weight according to height and age in kg for Male

Weight chart by age would give you an idea about how the ideal weight changes not only according to height but also to age. Thus, Weight according to height and age in kg for males should be accessed whenever you are accessing your fitness status.

Weight according to height and age in kg for Male

Weight according to height and age in kg for Female

Weight chart by age would give you an idea about how the ideal weight is variable by both height and age. Thus, Weight according to height and age in kg for females should be accessed whenever you are accessing your fitness status.

Weight according to height and age in kg for Female

Different Ways to Measure Height to Weight Ratio

  • Several other systems to measure the perfect weight have been used by specialists. Below are some of the most common ones:

  • BMI Calculator: It’s a simple calculator that takes two values for its input: weight and height. It uses these values and provides an output characterizing the BMI as normal, underweight, overweight, or obese.

Height conversion

Feet to Inches Conversion:

As One feet is equivalent to12 inches, thus : 

inches = feet × 12

Inches to Centimeters Conversion:

One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters, therefore :

centimeters = inches × 2.54

Centimeters to Meters Conversion:

As one meter is equal to 100 centimeters, thus :

meters = centimeters ÷ 100

Height Conversion Table

Here is a height conversion chart that is an easy tool for you to convert height measurements between different units, such as centimeters to inches or feet to meters. These conversions can be helpful when you need to express height measurements in different units when you're trying to calculate the right weight for height or in calculation of BMI.

Height Conversion Table

By using the ideal height weight chart, the data should be filled in the below formula to interpret your fitness status.

BMI = Kg/m2 

Kg - person's weight in kilograms 

m2- a height in meter squares 

A BMI of 25 or more is overweight and the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. This calculation interpretation can be true for any person from 18-65 years. 

In these formulae, you need to insert your weight according to height in kg or pounds. After finding your BMI from height and weight charts, you need to interpret your fitness status.

Note: This formula doesn't apply to pregnant women, athletes or bodybuilders as it doesn't take into account muscle mass.

Interpretation of the Height to Weight Chart

Interpretation of the height to weight chart

As we said before, you need to calculate your BMI to calculate your ideal weight. For this, you need to interpret. These interpretations are calculated by knowing the weight according to height in kg or pounds along with the BMI. From the height-weight charts, three conclusions can be drawn which are,

  • Ideal weight: If your BMI is between 19 and 25, you have an ideal weight. This indicates that you are having an ideal weight for your height.

  • Underweight: If your BMI is under 19, this indicates that you are underweight. This can mean that you are malnourished or have any underlying diseases.

  • Overweight: If the BMI is above 25, you are overweight. You need to take immediate steps to bring down your weight as it can cause serious health issues like blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks in the long run.

Uses of the Height Weight Chart

The height weight chart is used for,

Impacts of Being Overweight

Impacts of Being Overweight

There are many impacts of being overweight that can affect the quality of your life. Some of them are,

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Stroke

  • Mental illnesses like anxiety and depression

  • Kidney diseases

  • Gallbladder attacks

  • Sleep apnea

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Fatty liver diseases

  • Gestational diabetes 

Tips to Maintain Ideal Weight

Here are some of the effective tips that can help you in maintaining the ideal weight,

  • Cut down the processed carbs and switch to diets having more fruits and vegetables.

  • Add more fibre to the plate as it helps you in portion control and prevents overeating.

  • Avoid emotional eating when you are stressed as you would end up overeating mindlessly.

  • Have an active lifestyle and make a rule of having regular exercise schedules for at least 20 minutes per day.

Limitations of the Ideal Height Weight Chart

The height weight chart, though is a good indicator of your health status can be misleading at times. Like we said before, there are many factors other than health that influence your weight. Height and weight charts don’t account for the fat percentage, body frame, or muscle mass. So, for accessing your actual health conditions, it’s better to get in touch with your doctor.  

Fitness Metrics Other than Height and Weight Charts

Interpreting your fitness level by looking at weight according to height in kg or pounds can only give rough data but not an accurate status of your health. Since BMI can be misleading at times, you can use other metrics to ensure that you are having an ideal weight.

Waist to Height Ratio

Ideally, your waist circumference should be less than half of your height.

Waist to Hip Ratio

According to some research, people who accumulate more mass around their waist and middle part suffer from heart diseases and diabetes. It’s proven that the higher the waist-to-hip proportion is, the more the risk of such diseases. That’s why this process is a reliable way to find whether a person has a healthy weight or not.

If the waist/hip ratio is greater than 1 in men and greater than 0.8 in women, it indicates obesity.

Body fat percentage

You should have more muscle mass and less body fat percentage.

If all the above factors proved to be positive, then Congratulations! You are having a fit body.

How to Calculate Body Fat Percentage (BFP)

BFP is different from BMI. The body fat percentage is frequently used to calculate whether someone is attaining muscles or losing extra fat. The healthy range is quite different for women and men. Numerous ways can be deployed to measure the BFP. One of these ways includes deploying a body fat scale. The scale uses bioelectrical resistance to measure it.

BFP for Men= (1.20*BMI) + (0.23*age) -16.2

BFP for Women= (1.20*BMI) + (0.23*age) – 5.4

Body Fat Percentile For MenBody Fat Percentile For Women

How to Achieve Ideal Weight According to Height

According to studies, maintaining a happier and healthier lifestyle mostly depends on a person’s choice. It takes a person’s commitment and persistent hard work to maintain an ideal weight. But it will eventually pay you as you will get the most precious and demanding asset a human being can achieve- sound and disease-free health.

Below are a few short yet sensible tips that will assist you in your venture to maintain an ideal weight:

Taking Balanced Diet: Make sure your daily food intake covers all the mandatory elements and nutrients your body needs. Drink adequate water. For the sake of keeping fit, don't consider skipping a meal. It's harmful to your health.

Daily Exercises: Nothing will contribute more to your effort to keep a healthy weight than exercising regularly. A planned and scheduled daily exercise routine will benefit your total body and mind condition.

Enough Sleep: Sleep makes your brain function at its best. It provides the body with the chance to recover from the daily loss.

Avoid Overthinking: Overthinking leads to extra stress. Consider relaxing your mind by meditating or practicing deep breathing daily. It will quiet your mind while making you feel peaceful.

Take-home Points

  • Height weight charts help you in calculating BMI which tells your fitness status.

  • Though the height and weight charts are reliable, they can’t always be accurate. So, take into account other metrics like waist to height ratio, waist to hip ratio, and body fat percentage.

  • Obesity can cause severe implications on your health, so try to maintain an ideal weight by making mindful food and lifestyle choices.


Growth Charts - A Diagnostic Tool

Indices of Relative Body Weight and Ideal Weight Charts

FAQ on Height Weight Chart

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