07/07/2022 / Health and Fitness
Height is a significant part of a person’s identity. Achieving a good height has become an integral part of societal norm. Therefore, we have listed out twenty foods that make you taller.
Height is a significant part of a person’s identity. Achieving a good height has become an integral part of societal norm. Having a good height is considered to be a good trait and gives a boost to the personality of the person. In India average height of males is 5.8 (177cm) feet and average height of females is 5.3 feet (162 cm). Some people have the tendency to grow tall naturally and some have to apply different means in order to reach the average height. This article will discuss Factors that influence how tall a person will be, 20 foods that make you taller and other ways to encourage growth and development.
Babies and children have a tendency to grow continuously up to a certain age due to the changes in growth plates in the long bones of their arms and legs. As the new bones are grown the bones get longer and the child tends to get stronger. In the initial 2-5 years of their life’s children are known to have been grown up to 50% of their total height. Between the age of 11 to 20 their adolescent years the children grow into their final heights and then the growth stops.
The following factors will affect how tall a person becomes:
DNA: There has been the identification of 700 gene variants that affect the height of an individual. DNA is one of the main factors of these variants determining height. These genes mainly affect two important aspects of height increment one being growth plates and another being hormones. Some genetic symptoms like Downs syndrome and Marfan’s syndrome affect adult height.
Hormones: These are the important entities of the bodies which provide instructions for some bodily activities to occur. These mainly instruct the growth plate to make new bones. Some of the hormones affecting growth are:
Growth hormones: These are made in the pituitary gland and are the most important hormone for growth. Some health conditions can restrict the amount of growth hormones the body makes, and this can impact height. Children with a rare genetic condition called congenital growth hormone deficiency grow at a much slower rate than other children.
Thyroid hormones: The thyroid gland secretes hormones which affect the growth.
Sex hormones: These influence growth during the puberty period.
Average height based on age and sex: Based on age and sex males tend to grow taller than their female counter parts. They also grow for two years more whereas the growth of females stopped two years before. Females will typically experience a growth spurt that will subside after the start of their menstrual cycle, which on average occurs at the age of around 12.5 years. Males however, grow up to the age of 20.
The importance of having a good height is basically considered a good trait by the society. Although it doesn’t make any difference to the intellect of the individual. The individual’s personality is highly affected by having a good height. Although, a person should not be judged by their height and should not allow it to bring their esteem down.
Some points due to which it is considered important to have a good height are:
A taller person can easily reach to higher shelves in stores, and bring down the desired item.
A taller person has a better societal image as compared to a short person.
Despite of having no effect on a person’s performance a tall person is always preferred over a shorter one.
They are said to have genes that can make their children taller.
They are considered to have a better personality.
Height mainly depends on genetics and nutrients a person consumes. The main source of these nutrients is food. In this section we will discuss a list of 20 foods that make you taller.
These are considered to be very nutritious and a good source of protein. The protein provided by it is used to increase the secretion of insulin growth factor 1 (IGF1) which regulates the growth hormone in children and plays a definitive role in determining height.
It is well known the chicken is a good source of protein. It is also high in vitamin B-12 which is crucial in growth. It also has amino acid taurine which plays an important role in bone formation and growth.
These are one of the most nutritious food available. Almonds are known to be full of nutrients which help in growth and development.
The leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, arugula and cabbage are some of the important ones. These help in increasing bone density, support enhanced growth and help in maintaining height.
It is full of probiotics which are essential in keeping the gut healthy. The healthy gut gives rise to proper digestion and absorption of food leading to good growth.
These are known to be rich in vitamin A which helps in growth and increase of height.
It is one of the key components of growth. It is a well-rounded diet. It has all the important nutrients which help in increase of height and muscle building.
It is a highly nutritious type of seed which is often swapped with whole grains. It has the essential amino acids which help in growth of the body.
These are also considered as a good source of protein and help in the growth of height of children.
These nuts are always considered as nutritious. They have vitamins, minerals and the right amount of protein that helps in muscle building as well as all over growth.
These are truly a powerhouse of nutrition. They’re especially rich in protein. They contain a wealth of other vitamins and minerals necessary for growth, including vitamin D, which can increase calcium absorption to help maintain skeletal health.
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are full of growth nutrients. They have vitamin C which helps in cellular growth and repair.
Salmon is a fatty fish that’s loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of heart-healthy fat that’s crucial to growth and development.
They are rich in B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, and iron. B vitamins help to form bones and grow cells. Zinc and iron are fundamental for our body form the optimal bone matrix or structure for bone strength
Tofu comes under protein rich foods, theyare a good source of protein and they provide the body with the necessary nutrients required for growing up and maintaining a good height.
It is a good part of a vegan diet and an essential source of protein for them. Helps in bone building and muscle mass building which are essential for growth.
These are very helpful in facilitating growth as they are full of vitamin A.
Most of the fruits have a good amount of vitamin C present which helps in tissue growth, cell repair and healing of injuries. All these are essential elements of growth.
Fishes like sardine are a rich source of proteins and vitamin D that are vital for height growth. They also help in growth, development, and density of bones.
They are a good source of protein, iron and vitamin B which is essential for overall growth and development.
Although, height is dependent on a lot of factors, eating nutritious food will always help to achieve ideal height weight for an individual. If a proper plan is followed then you will surely be able to grow taller.
Eating well, exercising and getting plenty of rest helps in height growth.
As puberty progresses, the growth plates mature, and at the end of puberty they fuse and stop growing.
Fruits, milk, egg, salmon, etc and foods rich in protein makes you taller.
Boys stop growing at the age of 16.
They stop growing as soon as their period starts on an average at the age of 12 years.
The growth hormone and thyroid hormone are mainly responsible for height.
In kids, shortening of cloth and regular measurements of height can tell if they are still growing or not.
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