12/07/2023 / Health and Fitness

Why you should eat food while sitting cross legged on the floor

Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor offers several physical and mental benefits. Discover the Disadvantage and Advantages of Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor.

Why you should eat food while sitting cross legged on the floor
Dr. Jilas PaingeeriDr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dental Surgeon, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. It is a traditional way of dining that is still practiced in many parts of the world today. Sitting cross-legged on the floor allows for a more relaxed posture and helps to promote digestion by allowing food to digest properly. This practice also helps to promote mindfulness, as it encourages people to focus on their meal and savor each bite rather than rushing through it. Eating in this manner also brings people closer together, as they can share stories and conversations while enjoying their meal.

Meaning Behind Eating Food While Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

This practice is believed to have a deeper meaning than just being comfortable. Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor promotes mindfulness and gratitude for the food being served. This practice encourages people to be mindful of their food, its source, and how it nourishes their bodies. It also serves as a reminder to be thankful for all we have been blessed with. Eating this way can help people stay connected with nature and appreciate its abundance.

The Health Benefits of Eating Food While Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor can have several health benefits. 

The Health Benefits of Eating Food While Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

1. Helps in digestion

Sitting on the floor with crossed legs improves the digestion process. When eating this way, you move your body forward to eat and return to your original position. This repeated action triggers the abdominal muscles, increasing gastric acid secretion and allowing food to digest faster.

2. Improve postures

Maintaining a good posture relieves muscle and joint pains. It gives you flexibility, keeps your back upright, and provides strength to your legs. Some studies claim that people who practice this habit have longer life expectancies than those who don’t. It is so because practicing the art of getting up with no support requires core strength and agility.

3. Make your body flexible and stronger

When you sit on the floor with crossed legs, the muscles in your lower back, pelvis, and around your stomach stretch, relieving pain and uneasiness. The regular stretching of these muscles helps you be flexible and fit.

4. Increase blood circulation

The cross-legged position improves blood circulation, calms nerves, and releases tension. It keeps the heart healthy when we sit down, and there is less pressure on our body and the heart.

5. It helps in losing weight

Getting up and sitting down elevates body movement. It helps you feel full sooner. Instead of sitting on a chair, sit on the floor on a mat, cross your legs, and keep your back straight. Following this pattern regularly helps you lose fat. This position is also helpful in relaxing your mind and, therefore, not letting you overeat. It also aids in reducing fatigue and body weakness.

6. Relaxes the mind and the body

It is an ideal position for meditation and benefits a lot in relieving stress from the mind. It is also an excellent position for doing breathing exercises and increasing oxygen flow in the body. It straightens the spine and relaxes the shoulder muscles.

Psychological Benefits of Eating Food While Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor has many psychological benefits that can help to improve mental health and well-being. 

This practice encourages mindful eating, which can help to reduce stress levels, improve focus, and increase awareness of one’s body and environment. It also promotes a sense of connection with the earth and nature, which can be calming and grounding. 

Additionally, it encourages physical activity and improved posture due to the required balance needed when sitting cross-legged on the floor. 

All these benefits make eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor an effective way to promote psychological well-being.

Disadvantages of Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

Although sitting on the floor has many benefits, doing it incorrectly can cause problems. Potential side effects include

Disadvantages of Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor

1. Extra stress on your joints

Sitting cross-legged on the floor incorrectly can put pressure on your knees and ankles.

2. Poor posture

It’s crucial to avoid slouching. Otherwise, it could develop or worsen postural issues and back pain.

3. Aggravate existing joint problems

Sitting on the floor may not be a good option if you have existing issues in your hips, knees, or ankles.

4. A problem in standing back up

Joint issues could make it hard to get off the floor.

How to comfortably sit on the floor with crossed legs

To comfortably sit on the floor with crossed legs, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on the floor. 

  2. Bend both knees, moving them outward. 

  3. Place one foot under the opposite knee.

  4. Shift your weight to the hips instead of your feet. 

  5. Place your belly over your hips.

  6. You can sit on the edge of a folded blanket to reduce pressure on your hips. 

  7. You can also place cushions under your knees.

Sitting cross-legged can worsen low back pain and poor posture if done incorrectly. To prevent it from happening,

  • avoid hunching your back while sitting cross-legged. 

  • Keep your spine in a neutral position.

  • Keep your weight on your hips instead of your feet, reducing pressure on your ankle joints.

Tips and Tricks to Make Sitting Cross-Legged on the Floor Easier and More Enjoyable

  • Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor can be a unique and enjoyable experience, but it can also be challenging. To ensure you get the most out of this activity, here are some tips and tricks to make it easier and more enjoyable. 

  • First, make sure to sit up straight and keep your posture in check. Sitting upright will help you stay comfortable for a more extended period. 

  • Second, use cushions or pillows to support your lower back and legs. 

  • With these tips in mind, eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor should become an easy and enjoyable experience!

Take-Home Points

  • Eating food while sitting cross-legged on the floor is becoming increasingly popular. This practice has many benefits, from improved digestion to reduced stress levels. 

  • Eating in this position can also help to improve posture and increase flexibility. It can even aid in weight loss, as it encourages mindful eating and helps to reduce overeating. Furthermore, this practice helps people connect with their culture and traditions by bringing back memories of childhood meals spent with family around the dinner table.

  • Eating while sitting cross-legged on the floor is an enjoyable way to experience food in a more mindful and meaningful way.

  • Be cautious of your posture, though. Avoid hunching your back while sitting cross-legged. 


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