28/11/2023 / Health and Fitness

What is Masturbation Addiction? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Know What is Masturbation Addiction? Also, know the causes, symptoms, treatment, and side effects of masturbation addiction.

What is Masturbation Addiction Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Dr. Jilas PaingeeriDr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dr. Jilas Paingeeri
Dental Surgeon, Research Associate
Medically Cited
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Introduction: What is Masturbation Addiction?

Masturbation is a normal part of life. For many, it’s a way to explore their bodies and sexuality in a safe and comfortable environment. However, for some people, it can become an addiction that affects their lives. Masturbation addiction is characterized by persistent and compulsive masturbation, often to the point of avoidance of social activities and impairment in daily functioning. It can have various causes and symptoms, but fortunately, treatment options are available for those suffering from this condition.

In this blog post, we will take a look at what masturbation addiction is, the symptoms associated with it, potential causes, and available treatments.

What is Excessive and Chronic Masturbation?

What is considered excessive masturbation? When it comes to masturbation, there is no such thing as too much. However, some people may develop an addiction to the act. This is characterized by excessive and chronic masturbation that interferes with everyday activities. The individual may spend several hours a day masturbating and may do it in places where they would rather not.

There are several possible causes of masturbation addiction. It may be a way to cope with stress or anxiety. It may be a way to escape from reality or numb emotional pain. Some people are simply more prone to developing addictions than others.

Recovery from this addiction requires dedication and patience, and seeking help from a qualified mental health professional is often necessary to achieve lasting success.

Symptoms of Masturbation Addiction

Symptoms of Masturbation Addiction

When someone is addicted to masturbating, they will feel an intense urge to do it even when they don’t want to. The impact of masturbation addiction is huge. This can interfere with their everyday life and activities. They may feel like they can’t control their urges and may keep doing it even when it causes them distress or problems. Some people may try to stop or reduce how often they masturbate but find that they can’t.

People addicted to masturbating might do it several times a day or more. They may spend a lot of time thinking about it or planning when to do it next. It can consume their thoughts and take over their lives. If you think you might be addicted to masturbation, talk to a doctor or mental health professional for help.

Symptoms of masturbation addiction may include:

  • Excessive preoccupation with self-pleasure.

  • Interference with work or school.

  • poor hygiene due to neglecting personal care in favor of more time spent masturbating.

  • Isolation from friends and family due to shame or feeling embarrassed about the behavior.

  • Continuing to masturbate despite negative consequences, such as relationship problems or financial difficulties caused by neglecting responsibilities in favor of self-pleasure.

  • Feelings of guilt, shame, or embarrassment after masturbating.

Causes of Masturbation Addiction

Causes of Masturbation Addiction

Causes of masturbation addiction can include:

  • underlying mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorder; 

  • a compulsive need to escape stress or difficult emotions,

  • a lack of healthy coping skills or unhealthy relationships to sex. 

  • Additionally, some individuals may masturbate to fill a void created by loneliness, boredom, loneliness, or a need for validation. 

As with any addiction, it is important to understand the underlying causes so that they can be addressed and the addiction is better managed. Professional help can be invaluable in this situation, as it can provide the individual with the necessary tools and skills to break out of the cycle of addiction.

Side Effects of Masturbation Addiction

Excessive masturbation side effects include both physical and mental side effects. The physical and mental side effects of masturbation addiction can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their addiction.

Side Effects of Masturbation Addiction

Physical side effects can include:

  • Chafing or irritation of the genitals

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Premature ejaculation.

Mental side effects can include:

  • Guilt or shame about masturbating

  • An obsession with pornography or sexual fantasies

  • Difficulty focusing on work or other tasks

  • Insomnia

  • Social isolation

  • Relationship problems due to lack of sexual intimacy.

How to Stop Masturbation Addiction?

To successfully stop a masturbation addiction, it is essential to understand the underlying causes and work to address them. This can include seeking professional help and therapy, developing healthy coping skills, setting boundaries, and finding more effective stress relief or emotional management outlets. Additionally, practicing self-compassion and being mindful of one’s thoughts and feelings is essential, as this can help reduce any shame or guilt associated with the addiction. It is also important to remember that recovery takes time and dedication, and setbacks are to be expected. However, with the proper support and a commitment to healing, it is possible to learn healthier habits and break free from the cycle of compulsive behavior, but if you’re finding difficulty with masturbation impacting your daily activities, it can be the time when you should consider ways to stop masturbation, Here are 15 ways to stop masturbation:

  • Stop spending time alone: The more you spend time alone, the more free time to masturbate since most of the time masturbation is done alone rather than in pairs.

  • Give time to your partner: Talk with your sexual partner about the problem, focus on physical intimacy with your partner and negotiate a mutual activity that you both enjoy.

  • Share your problems with trustworthy: Share your problems with someone you trust. They can help you with masturbation side effects and can give you emotional support for overcoming masturbation addiction.

  • Stop watching porn: Watching porn causes sexual arousal and makes you masturbate more even when you don’t want to. If you’re addicted to masturbation and watching pornography then you can use explicit site blockers or use the internet at public wifi where these sites are already blocked. 

  • Maintain sleep hygiene: Maintaining healthy sleep hygiene helps to stay away from masturbation.

  • Practice Meditation: Meditation helps in shifting your thoughts from masturbation to positive aspects of mind and body, which helps overcome masturbation addiction.

  • Engage in other leisure activities: Engage in other leisure activities like interaction with others, playing outdoor games etc, which will give you less time alone and help overcome Masturbation.

  • Develop a Hobby: Developing a Hobby or engaging in a hobby that you already have makes you stay away from the bad effects of masturbation.

  • Exercise: Exercise releases natural endorphins and dopamine in your brain which relieves tension and elevates your mood. Regular exercise can help with masturbation addiction as exercise gives a feeling of happiness and satisfaction which causes suppression of the urge to masturbate.

  • Yoga: Yoga helps calm your body and soul. Yoga relieves stress which can act as a trigger for masturbation.

  • Take a shower: Taking a shower helps your body to relieve tension and relax. Cold Shower helps in lowering the temperature of the scrotum which helps suppress masturbation addiction. 

  • Practice Spirituality: Practising Spirituality helps you connect with god and gives you a feeling of satisfaction which helps to overcome masturbation addiction.

  • Join a Community(Support group): Connecting with people who are having similar problems and trying to overcome masturbation addiction will allow you to learn from them how they have overcome masturbation. and will give you confidence that you can also do it.

  • Wear extra clothes while sleeping at night: Wearing extra clothes while sleeping can feel uncomfortable but helps you cover your intimate parts which will make them less accessible, and can help in overcoming masturbation addiction.

  • Talk to your therapist: If you’re finding difficulties while dealing with masturbation side effects, talking to a therapist can help. Therapists can teach you various techniques to overcome masturbation addiction.

Treatment of Masturbation Addiction

If you find yourself with a masturbation addiction problem that you can't seem to solve on your own, it may be essential to seek professional help from your doctor, a counselor, or a sex therapist.

Treatment of Masturbation Addiction

1. Therapy

Therapy is an important part of treating masturbation addiction. It can provide the individual with the necessary skills and tools to break the cycle of addiction and form healthier relationships with their sexual behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often used in these cases, as it can provide insight into thoughts and patterns driving the addiction. It can also help the individual develop more productive coping strategies for managing stress and feelings of loneliness. Additionally, therapies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can help the individual to begin to accept and make peace with past experiences or traumas related to the addiction. To successfully treat masturbation addiction, it is essential to seek professional help from a qualified mental health practitioner.

2. Medications

Medication is not usually used to treat masturbation addiction, as treatment should focus on developing healthier coping skills and practices. However, in some instances, medication may be prescribed if underlying mental health issues are causing the addiction, such as depression or anxiety. This can include medications like SSRIs, which can help reduce excessive or compulsive masturbation behaviors and provide symptom relief. It is important to talk to a doctor or mental health professional to determine the best treatment for individual needs.

Coping with Masturbation Addiction

Coping with a masturbation addiction can be a difficult and daunting process. It requires dedication, effort, and patience to create lasting change. The first step in this process is to recognize that there is an addiction and understand its underlying causes. This may require professional help from a mental health practitioner, who can provide insight into thoughts and patterns driving the addiction.

Additionally, it is important to develop healthier coping skills to replace the compulsive behavior of masturbation. This could include

  • participating in activities that bring joy, 

  • exercising, 

  • spending time in nature, 

  • meditating, 

  • journaling, or

  • seeking support from friends and family. 

Establishing healthy boundaries is also essential. For example, setting a timer when engaging in suggestive activities like watching pornography or scheduling specific times for self-pleasure can help one control their addiction. Finally, practicing self-compassion is key. It is important to remember that perfection is not possible, and setbacks are to be expected. Through commitment, effort, and support from others, it is possible to break the cycle of addiction and lead a healthier, more balanced life.

Take-Home Points

  • Masturbation addiction is a real issue that can cause physical, mental, and emotional damage. Symptoms and signs of a masturbation addiction include spending excessive amounts of time on self-pleasure, feeling like one needs to masturbate even when they don't want to, and the inability to concentrate on other tasks due to the compulsion. 

  • Causes of masturbation addiction can vary and include underlying mental health issues, a need for escape from stress or difficult emotions, a lack of healthy coping skills, an unhealthy relationship with sex, porn addiction, etc. 

  • Treatment for masturbation addiction typically involves developing healthier coping skills, setting boundaries, finding more productive outlets for stress relief or emotion management, and seeking professional help from qualified mental health practitioners. With dedication and patience, recovery is possible.


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