29/11/2023 / Health and Fitness

Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Daily

Discover the Side Effects of Daily Masturbation in Men. Also, Know the benefits and side effects of masturbation in males on skin, brain and eyes.

Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Daily
Mohammad AqdusMohammad Aqdus
Mohammad Aqdus
Medical Student, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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Masturbating men is a common behaviour, which they use to feel sexual pleasure. Effects of masturbation in an excessive manner can include fatigue, lower sensitivity, guilt, social isolation etc.

Masturbation can become an addiction and interfere with daily activities.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the side effects of masturbation, the side effects of masturbation in males daily, the Benefits of masturbation in men and common myths and misconceptions related to masturbation.

What is Male Masturbation?

Male masturbation involves rubbing, pressing or stimulating male genitals by himself to obtain sexual pleasure or arousal. Male masturbation is a healthy sexual activity. It is quite common among males. 

It is known by different names like ‘pleasuring oneself’ or ‘playing with oneself’. 

The goal of masturbation is to orgasm- the physical and emotional state of peak sexual excitement. 

Benefits of Masturbation in Males

Masturbation is a healthy activity if done in moderation. Although in subsequent sections we’ll discuss the Side effects of masturbation in male daily, Let’s discuss the benefits of Masturbation in males:

Benefits of Masturbation in Males
  • Stress Reduction: Masturbation leads to the release of endorphins and dopamine in the brain, which leads to stress reduction and pleasure.

  • Better Sleep: After masturbation, the body activates a relaxation response, which contributes to better sleep.

  • Pleasurable feeling: The release of endorphins and Dopamine also contributes to the pleasurable feeling that one gets after masturbation.

  • Reduces Risk of Prostate cancer: Although it is not clearly shown by studies that masturbation leads to a reduction in prostate cancer, Some studies suggest that masturbation can reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.  

  • Self-exploration: Masturbation enables self-discovery and self-exploration. One can develop a better understanding of their sexuality.

Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Daily

Masturbation can be a pleasurable activity, but because of the release of dopamine, it can become addictive and detrimental, So what are the Side effects of masturbation in male daily or the Side effects of excessive masturbation?

Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Daily
  1. Disrupting Daily Life: Excessive Masturbation can lead to tiredness, and fatigue and can disrupt daily routine.

  2. Guilt: Some religions consider masturbation a ‘Sin’, therefore sometimes it can lead to feelings of guilt and sadness, hence becoming an important Side effect of masturbation in males daily.

  3. Social Isolation: Feelings of sadness and guilt can lead to social isolation, you will not like talking with others and enjoying other leisure activities.

  4. Decreased Self-Esteem: Misconceptions and stigma related to masturbation in men daily can lead to decreased self-confidence.

  5. Decreased Concentration: Indulging in masturbation daily can cause Fatigue and tiredness which can further lead to decreased concentration and can affect the activities involved. Hence, it is a Side effect of masturbation in male daily on the brain.

  6. Decreased Sexual Sensitivity: Engaging in masturbation excessively can cause decreased sensitivity in genital organs.

  7. Inflammation, in the Genital Area Skin Rash and Redness: Daily masturbation in male, can cause damage to the skin of the genitals, and incorrect masturbation techniques can lead to rash and redness on the skin. Hence an important Side effect of masturbation in males daily on the skin.

  8. Addiction: Masturbation leads to the production of dopamine, which can cause addiction. Once you start masturbation daily, it becomes a habit and an addiction.

  9. Back or Muscle Discomfort: Maintaining poor posture or experiencing muscle tension during masturbation can contribute to back or muscle pain.

  10. Low sperm count: There is no evidence suggesting the effect of masturbation on low sperm count.

Is Daily Masturbation Good or Bad?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, while daily masturbation can be positive for some, one can face difficulties daily because of masturbation in men.

  • Moderation is the key: like any other thing in life Masturbation needs moderation, one can masturbate daily if it is not interfering with their daily activities or mental health. Even after that, many sexologists advise not to masturbate daily because watching adult content is usually involved in the process and that can lead to a change in perception and decreased sensitivity.

  • Individual preferences: What works for one person may not be good for another, it all comes down to individual preference because there is no definite answer to this question and not much research to suggest the right answer.

An important point to note is that If we talk about Scientific evidence that masturbation is good or bad we must understand one thing there is not enough evidence present to assume masturbation daily is a healthy activity and also there is not enough evidence to assume it to be bad. We can only talk based on available research, so it becomes an individual preference to check what works best for them.

How to Stop Daily Masturbation?

If you’re facing issues in your day-to-day life because of excessive masturbation, Here are some tips to stop masturbation daily.

How to Stop Daily Masturbation?
  1. Yoga: Embrace the practice of yoga to positively channel your energy fostering self-discipline and mindfulness. Engaging in yoga poses such as Vajrasana can help you cultivate self-control and redirect your focus effectively.

  2. Exercise: Make activity a part of your routine to redirect your energy and reduce the urge for daily masturbation. Exercise boosts the release of endorphins promoting a mindset and reducing the inclination towards this habit.

  3. Avoiding Adult Content or Being Alone: Take steps to minimize exposure to adult content and create an environment for yourself. Surrounding yourself with friends or family or engaging in group activities can help reduce feelings of isolation and diminish temptations.

  4. Maintaining Healthy Sleep Patterns: Give importance to maintaining a sleep schedule as it plays a role in regulating hormonal balance. Quality sleep not only enhances well-being but also aids in curbing impulsive behaviours like daily masturbation.

  5. Professional Support: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who can provide insights, coping strategies and a confidential space to address any underlying issues that may contribute to daily masturbation habits.

Common Myths and Misconceptions on Male Masturbation

There are many myths that circulate, and people usually don’t have an understanding of masturbation. Here are some common myths and facts regarding masturbation: 

1. Dhat Syndrome:

Myth: Dhat syndrome is a myth that is prevailing in southern India, people think that semen is leaking with urination.

Fact: Dhat syndrome is a myth, sometimes penile gland secretions come out with urine, which people think that it is semen.

2. Penis Shrinkage:

Myth: Masturbation causes shrinkage in penis size.

Fact: No evidence of penis size increasing or decreasing with masturbation.

3. Low sperm count:

Myth: Masturbation causes low sperm count.

Fact: There is no evidence or research which shows low sperm count.

4. Makes Male body weak:

Myth: Masturbation causes weakness.

Fact: Excessive masturbation can cause weakness or fatigue, but in moderation, it doesn’t.

5. Infertility:

Myth: Masturbation causes infertility.

Fact: Masturbation cannot lead to infertility.

6. Performance Problem:

Myth: Masturbation causes performance problems in bed.

Fact: Although excessive masturbation can cause decreased sexual sensitivity, in moderation there is no harm.

7. Eyes:

Myth: Masturbation causes vision loss.

Fact: There are no side effects of masturbation in male daily on eyes. Masturbation cannot cause vision loss

When to see a Doctor

Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of sexual well-being, sometimes seeking medical help becomes important. Masturbation in male daily can become detrimental in case of addiction or compulsive behaviour. Here are some conditions in which you should seek medical help:

  • Pain or Discomfort: If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort while or after masturbation, it could indicate some underlying conditions, and you should seek medical help.

  • Infection: Redness, rash or signs and symptoms of infection need an assessment from a medical professional. Incorrect masturbation techniques lead to friction and damage to the genitals.

  • Concerns about sexual health: If you’re experiencing decreased sexual desire, or difficulty in achieving erection, or maintaining an erection, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

  • Fertility concerns: While masturbation cannot cause infertility, underlying issues can be addressed if you are trying to conceive with the help of infertility specialists.

  • Mental health impact: Seeking help from a therapist is important when masturbation is impacting your mental health by feeling of guilt, sadness, anxiety or depression.

  • Addictive or Compulsive behaviour: Seeking help in case of addictive and compulsive behaviour becomes important when you’re not able to control the frequency and urge to masturbate irrespective of facing difficulties in daily life, mental health issues etc.

Take-Home Points

  • Masturbating men is a common behaviour, which they use to feel sexual pleasure

  • Male masturbation involves rubbing, pressing or stimulating male genitals by himself to obtain sexual pleasure or arousal. 

  • The benefits of masturbation in men include better sleep, sexual pleasure, prostate cancer risk reduction, and self-exploration.

  • Side effects of masturbation in males daily include disruption of daily life, feelings of guilt, social isolation, decreased self-esteem, addiction etc.

  • Ways to overcome masturbation in males daily are yoga, exercise, stress relaxation techniques, maintaining healthy sleep cycles and if necessary help from professionals.

  • Common myths and misconceptions about male masturbation include dhat syndrome, penis size shrinkage, Low sperm count, infertility, performance problem, vision loss etc.

  • If you’re experiencing symptoms like pain and discomfort, irritation or infections in the genital area or addictive or compulsive behaviour about masturbation, you should seek help from a qualified doctor or Medical practitioner.


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