06-02-2022 / Heart & Vascular

What is Normal Blood Pressure Range?

Learn what is normal blood pressure range, along with insights on elevated blood pressure, hypertension, and hypertensive crisis in this guide.

What is Normal Blood Pressure
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P
Keerthana A P
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If you have stumbled upon it here to understand or access your blood pressure, then you’re in the right place. Blood pressure related issues have to be one of those deadly health diseases out there that often kills people with little to no symptoms. Dive in here to know about what is normal blood pressure and what are the risk factors associated with it, if it goes away from normal! 

What are normal blood pressure readings?

normal blood pressure readings

You have all heard a lot about the term called ‘bp’ or ‘blood pressure’ but what is it? Blood pressure is nothing but the measure of the force exerted by the blood on the walls of arteries during circulation. So, what is normal pressure? The normal blood pressure readings of a healthy person should be slightly less than or equal to 120/80 mmHg. The full form of mmHg is millimetres of pressure which is a manometric unit of pressure.  If the blood pressure normal level increases to 139/89, it’s considered a pre-hypertensive state. Anything above the value of pre-hypertension indicates the presence of high blood pressure.

What are the numbers in blood pressure readings?

When you assess the normal blood pressure, there are usually two numbers – systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. The systolic reading is the highest and it is the pressure during the contraction of heart muscles. The diastolic readings on the contrary give the pressure values for the relaxed state of heart between the contractions. Blood pressure readings are presented as systolic/diastolic where the upper value is higher than the lower value. For a healthy blood pressure, it's important to stay within the BP normal value range for optimal heart health.

What is normal systolic blood pressure?

  • The normal systolic blood pressure is 120.

  • The elevated systolic blood pressure range above normal is 120-129.

  • Stage 1 of hypertension which is slightly above the blood pressure normal level is 130-139.

  • Stage 2 of hypertension which is considerably higher than blood pressure normal level is 140 or more.

  • The hypertensive stage which has abnormal blood pressure normal ranges are usually more than 180.

What is normal diastolic blood pressure?

  • The normal diastolic blood pressure range is 80.

  • The elevated diastolic blood pressure range above normal is 80-89.

  • Stage 1 of hypertension which is slightly above the blood pressure normal level is 90 or more.

  • Stage 2 of hypertension which is considerably higher than blood pressure normal level is 120 or more.

  • The hypertensive stage which has abnormal blood pressure normal ranges are usually more than 120.

What if diastolic readings have normal bp but systolic pressure is high?

What if only systolic blood pressure is higher than a normal blood pressure reading? The condition where you have a normal bp level in diastolic readings but elevated pressure in systole is called isolated systolic hypertension. This can be due to underlying conditions like obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and heart valve issues. Having above normal bp levels for too long in the systolic readings increases the risks of strokes, heart attacks and kidney failures. So, consult your doctors before it gets serious. 

What if systolic readings have normal bp but diastolic pressure is high?

What if the opposite of the former happens? What if only systolic blood pressure is higher than a normal blood pressure reading? The condition where you have a normal bp level in systolic reading but elevated pressure in diastole is called isolated diastolic hypertension. Though this condition is not as serious as isolated systolic pressure, it should not be ignored. Timely medical help is the only treatment for this isolated hypertension. 

Normal Blood Pressure Range by Age and Gender 

Do your standard average blood pressure readings vary by any factors other than due to some underlying diseases? Yes, your average blood pressure values can vary by age, sex and sometimes even ethnicity!

Find the average blood pressure values for different age groups below, 

Normal blood pressure range for Men and Women by Age

Normal blood pressure range for Men and Women by Age

What are the factors affecting average blood pressure?

Factors affecting average blood pressur

Other than some underlying diseases, a few factors we usually ignore may show exaggerated readings which are abnormally away from our normal blood pressure.

Here are some of the most common precautions we need to take so that exact average blood pressure readings can be determined:

  • Sometimes your arms level while taking blood pressure may show values away from normal bp levels. It is always advised to have your arm rested at the heart level for getting your accurate average blood pressure readings.

  • While taking your blood pressure assessment, sit in a relaxed position in the armchair without bending or crossing your legs.

  • Temperature can widely affect your normal blood pressure values, so take the readings in an average room temperature rather than in an air-conditioned environment.

  • Finally, empty your bladder before taking the pressure readings as a full bladder adds up to 10 to 15 mmHg to your normal bp values.

4 best ways to maintain your average blood pressure

We are what we eat! So maintaining a good lifestyle along with healthy food choices is necessary for keeping your blood pressure within the bp normal range by age and at optimal levels.

4 best ways to maintain your average blood pressure.

1. Stop smoking

For maintaining your normal blood pressure at any age, it’s best to stay away from nicotine. Smoking in the long term causes inflammation and narrowing of arteries which elevates our normal bp levels.

2. Avoid processed foods

Too much processed foods can mess up your average blood pressure values by elevating them. Highly sugary drinks and salted foods can cause obesity which can aggravate your high blood pressure.

3. Reduce stress

The excessive release of stress hormones can elevate your average blood pressure ranges by the inflammation of arteries. So, practice yoga and mindfulness to maintain good mental health.

4. Get enough sleep

Sleeping well maintains our optimal average blood pressure by relaxing our whole body and mind. Insomnia can increase the risks of hypertension and heart diseases.

Take-home points

  • The normal blood pressure level is 120/80 where the numbers represent systolic and diastolic pressure. Anything above or below this average blood pressure value usually indicates the presence of any cardiac issues or diabetes. 

  • The isolated hypertension is as serious as combined hypertension. So, don't ignore your abnormal blood pressure readings even if just one value is away from normal bp levels. 

  • Even though the standard normal blood pressure is 120/80, it slightly differs in four to five points based on age and gender. The average blood pressure values increase with age and are usually higher in men than women. 

  • While measuring your blood pressure, your posture, position, temperature levels and arm levels determine the accuracy of your assessment. So, kindly follow the precautions given here.

  • For maintaining healthy normal blood pressure, you should be careful about your food and lifestyle choices. Reducing your stress levels and being mindful about your meals can do a great deal of help for your health. 


American Heart Association

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

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