10/11/2022 / Mental Health and Wellness

Truth About Depression

Depression has almost become a common household name but do we know about it? Read ahead to know common myths and truths about depression!

Truth About Depression
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P
Keerthana A P
Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate
Medically Cited
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Do you know that India is the most depressed country in the world as per the new statistics? But we have done so little to ensure that our society is educated and prepared about depression which is silently plaguing young minds globally. When it comes to depression, there are so many misconceptions, half-truths, negative connotations and preconceived views - and here we are, to bust the myths of depression. In this article, you would know about the truths and myths related to depression. 

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterised by persistent sadness and hopelessness. Depression is similar to sadness in many aspects but here the emotions are permanent and usually affect the quality of life. Depressed people may find it increasingly difficult to maintain work-life balance, take care of themselves or in extreme cases, some even find it difficult to wake up from bed. Depression can't be taken lightly as the symptoms cripple the normal and smooth flow of life. In the article, you would know about the common myths about depression that are widely believed and accepted. 

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms Of Depression

Here are some of the symptoms of depression that can help you in seeking help from mental health professionals. Some are, 

  • Excessive sleepiness or disturbed sleep habits

  • Diminished or excessive hunger

  • Inability to concentrate and focus

  • Irritability

  • Constant fatigue

  • Unexplained physical pains

  • Thoughts on suicide

  • Feeling of emptiness

  • The feeling of impending doom 

If you are experiencing three or more of these symptoms, you should consider diagnosing yourself with depression from a nearby mental health professional

What is the Actual Reason for Depression? 

What Is The Actual Reason For Depression

There are many speculated reasons for depression and some of them are mentioned below, 

  • Chemical imbalance in brains

  • Change in hormonal levels

  • Family history of depression

  • Early childhood trauma

  • Substance or drug abuse

  • Chronic illnesses or pain

  • Insomnia

  • Obesity 

  • Cardiovascular issues

  • Vitamin D deficiency

The Truth about Depression and Anxiety

Many people still have this conservative thinking that depression and anxiety aren't real and everything can be solved when the person desires to change himself or herself. But the truth is the symptoms experienced by depression are often involuntary and victims at the receiving end have little in their hands to change that. So, if someone still thinks about whether depression is real, we need to tell that depression is as real as water on this earth and the air to breathe. 

Myths and Truths about Depression

Myths And Truths About Depression

  • Myth 1: What you have suffered to have depression, I had more problems than you and I didn't get depression.

Truth: You don't need reasons to have depression, some people, genetically or due to other factors are more vulnerable than others. Facing life challenges without getting low or depressed depend upon the individual personality and resilience of people. You shouldn't compare your life experiences with others as everyone perceives life differently. Some may recover from the death of a family member within a month while some grieve for more than ten years. 

  • Myth 2: It's all in your head, depression isn't an illness.

Truth: If depression is just in your head, there would be no spiking cases of depression all over the world. Many people with severe or psychotic depression are committing suicide across the world and the death toll is only rising. So, depression is as real as covid pandemic and it is killing people. 

  • Myth 3: Just some doses of antidepressants can cure depression.

Truth: This is one of the most circulated myths! Since depression alters brain structure, you need to have antidepressants to reverse the effects. But just some doses of medications can't cure depression as many people still require to talk therapy or psychoanalysis to get completely cured from depression. 

  • Myth 4: Just come out, enough of your tantrums.

Truth: People can't snap out of depression at their will or under others' pressure. Many research studies have proved that depression fundamentally changes the brain chemicals and the effects of which can't be voluntarily controlled by individuals. So, people are usually helpless when they are living with depression. 

  • Myth 5: Depression is because of sad events in life.

Truth: Depression always doesn't require a sad situation to get triggered or pop up. Many people feel hopeless and have suicidal tendencies while having all comfort in their personal and professional life. So, the truth is you can have everything but you can still be affected by depression. 

  • Myth 6: Your child will definitely have depression as you have it.

Truth: This is one of the most absurd myths about depression. Though depression runs genetically, some people still break the generational cycle of trauma and depression. So, it's not a wise argument to predict the future of your children based on your mental condition. 

  • Myth 7: Antidepressants will change you overnight.

Truth: Antidepressants can help you in dealing with depression, but can't change your personality almost immediately. You need to have several doses and other treatments to get completely cured of depression. 

  • Myth 8: You should seek lifelong treatment for depression once you opt for it.

Truth: This is one myth that stops many people from visiting mental health professionals. You need to educate yourself and others that many antidepressants are not lifelong medicines. Once you partially come out of depression, you can manage it well by using little to no medicines.

  • Myth 9: Depression always affects women, not men.

Truth: Though depression affects more women than men, it's wrong to assume that depression only affects women. Men are always shamed and stigmatised for expressing their emotions in public. Many men bottle up their feelings until one day it explodes as depression or other mental health problems. So, just because men don't say it doesn't mean that they don't have it. 

  • Myth 10: Don't talk about depression, you will be alright. Go, take a walk now.

Truth: This is the type of advice that most depressed people are tired of hearing. This lack of understanding on society's part makes depression worse, but not better. Taking a walk, hike or ride can improve the symptoms but there isn't any guarantee that depression will be uprooted as a whole. 

Take-Home Points

  • Depression is the most misunderstood mental health disorder along with others like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

  • Depression is a real issue which requires medical attention and doesn't go away on its own. 

  • The cause of depression is usually childhood trauma, an abusive home or loveless relationships. 


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