10/01/2024 / Health and Fitness

Anxiety And Stress: Breathing Techniques To Beat The Problems

Anxiety and depression have become major concerns worldwide recently, with increasing awareness and acceptance anxiety issues can be resolved, let’s have a look at one of the many techniques to tackle anxiety.

Anxiety And Stress Breathing Techniques To Beat The Problems
Juveriya Anwar MominJuveriya Anwar Momin
Juveriya Anwar Momin
Pharmacist, Research Associate
Medically Cited
Fact Checked

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What is anxiety?

As per the American Psychological Association; anxiety is an emotional state of a combination of feelings that include stress, worrying over little things, and over and over stress about a particular thing.

Anxiety is often confused with fear and hence commonly used interchangeably.

Fear is a short-term response to a situation that is known and well-defined with specific threats, while anxiety is a long-lasting period of one’s life with barely defined threats and without an actual picture to explain to someone. 

This is a striking reason for ignorance towards mental health and lack of awareness, which needs to be resolved.

Often begins in early childhood or adolescence when children suffer from the fear of the unknown.

According to the American Psychological Association’s executive officer, Arthur Evans Jr says; the pandemic has led to a heavy emotional toll on everyone, which led to an increase in psychologist demand via telehealth 74% of psychologists reported an increased demand for anxiety treatment. This resulted in global concern for mental disorder awareness and anxiety issues.

Signs and symptoms of anxiety

Duration might be longer but a 6-month period is a sure time for a diagnosis of anxiety.

Signs and symptoms of anxiety
  • Restlessness, feeling on the edge

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Feeling fatigued.

  • Difficulty concentrating,

  • Muscle tension

  • Irritation

  • Weakness

  • Constant headache

  • Sweating often

  • Excessive worry

  • Insomnia

  • Constant sense of danger

  • Rapid breathing

  • Feeling sad

  • Eating disturbances.

Occurrence of anxiety and stress

According to the studies it was found that physical symptoms are more visible than psychological symptoms. The above-listed symptoms are more common in

  • Female gender

  • Poor health people

  • Unmarried people

  • Uneducated people

  • Stressed life style

  • Diabetic patient

  • Cancer patients (add infographics)

  • Adults

Treatment for Anxiety

As per the recommended treatment for anxiety, pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy both are effective and important. The choice is made concerning the severity of the disorder. This treatment accounts for serious cases and medically recommended treatment options for the patient under severe stress and anxiety.

Treatment for Anxiety

However, general anxiety could also be tackled with the following addition to your lifestyle:

1. Change in lifestyle

Be nice to yourself like you are with your loved ones, make a plan and follow the plan daily. Welcome the change!

2. Maintaining a positive mindset

Believe in yourself, let go of negative thoughts, and focus on the present scenario.

3. Following routine activities

Make a to-do list and, short-term and long-term goals, start with little goals and cherish your achievements.

4. Modify your sleep pattern

Follow a healthy sleep pattern, a minimum of 7 hours of sleep is necessary for the human body. Don’t strain your body.

5. Eat healthily

Start your day with lukewarm water, and modify your diet, including protein and carbohydrates in a balanced amount. You will feel a sense of achievement and happiness.

6. Workout every day

Start with a small walk, and go running, you have to include a physical activity session on your daily plan, it will keep you stay healthy.

7. Practice breathing techniques

Start with meditation, and focus on your body. Breathing techniques are a great way to calm your body and improve strength.

8. Stop overthinking

Give time for your situations, do not think about them repeatedly, and focus on your priorities.

9. Think positive

Always think positively and on the bright side in any situation.

Breathing techniques for anxiety

Always it gets difficult to control your breathing and have normal breathing while having an anxiety attack. Let’s see some of the techniques to manage your breathing:

1. Box breathing technique or 4 square methods

Box breathing technique or 4 square methods

This is a simple exercise to follow if you ever find yourself inhaling and exhaling with a rhythm that is box breathing’s first step.

In this technique, you inhale for four counts and exhale for the same counts with the same pace and relaxed mind.

Researchers say deep breathing is useful not only for stress management it also reduces your blood pressure.

Practicing this technique daily will help you have good control over your mind, and emotions and extra benefits for your health.

To start with this technique you can take the help of some app that will make you do this activity daily like,

1. Box breathing app

2. Breathe 2 Relax

3. Universal breathing   

4. 4-7-8 breathing techniques:

Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, says this technique is very ancient from pranayama, a yoga practice.

In this technique, you breathe for four counts, hold your breath for seven seconds counts, and exhale for eight counts.

According to Rebecca Robbins, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School and associate scientist in the division of sleep and circadian disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, people suffer from falling asleep because of an unknown buzz in their mind.

This 4-7-8 technique gives a lot of relief and helps with the sleeping pattern too along with breathing difficulties.

It reduces anxiety and increases the chances of falling asleep.

How does it work?

  • Completely exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

  • Close your mouth and quietly inhale through your nose to a count of four.

  • Hold your breath for a count of seven.

  • Exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound for a count of eight.

  • Repeat the process three more times for a total of four breath cycles.

Keeping to the ratio of four, then seven, and then eight counts is more important than the time you spend on each phase, according to Weil.

Breathing techniques for sleep

One of the most effective exercises to follow includes

1. 4-7-8 breathing technique

This is proven to enhance the chances of falling asleep and reduce your anxiety to the maximum. Follow the same steps mentioned above in the breathing techniques for anxiety; it will help you with sleeping problems too.  

4-7-8 breathing technique

2. Meditation

This is one of the ancient techniques that improves your focus, calms down your body and helps you enjoy your daily activities with a sense of happiness. When you feel happy your body automatically maintains a routine and you get proper rest and sleep.  

3. Diaphragmatic breathing:

It is also known as belly breathing or abdominal breathing. 

  • Lie on a flat surface, such as your bed, with your knees bent. 

  • Place a pillow under your head and pillows under your knees. 

  • Put one hand on your upper chest. Put your other hand on your stomach just below your rib cage. 

  • Breathe in through your nose. Concentrate on your breathing and draw the breath down to your stomach. The hand on your stomach will rise with your breath. Your chest should remain still. 

  • Slowly exhale. Your stomach should fall back down. Your hand on your upper chest should remain still.

Take-Home Points

  • Anxiety problems are quite common and normal for an individual to experience. Always reach out to your friends, family member, and a physician for proper diagnosis

  • Follow a discipline in life that will help you through every situation.

  • Anxiety problems could easily be tackled with just a small technique and consistency.

  • Give your body full rest and never compromise on your sleep, it will affect your brain too.

  • Eat healthily and stay fit, give 1-2 hours for yourself daily for bliss and satisfaction.


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