06/04/2022 / Health and Fitness

Almonds: Uses, Nutritional Value, and Health benefits

Almonds are considered as brain food for children. Read on to know the surprising other health benefits, side effects, and uses of almonds

Almonds Uses and Health benefits
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P
Keerthana A P
Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate
Medically Cited
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We are all introduced to this popular tree nut that tastes literally like a wooden tree by our moms on examination days, saying, "Have two more! It helps you remember what you’ve learned”. Without any second thought, we agree that almonds are magic foods to your brain. But, are the benefits of almonds just restricted to brains? To find out other surprising benefits of almonds, keep reading!

Almond Nutritional Information 

Before diving into the health benefits, let’s know the nutritional profile of almonds.

10 almonds would usually contain,

  • Protein – 3 g

  • Fat – 5 g

  • Carbohydrates – 5 g

  • Fibers – 1 g

  • Vitamin E – 15 g

  • Calories – 70

Types of Almonds

There are three popular types of almonds available in India. They are,

  • Mamra: It has high carbohydrate and oil content but less protein content. Most of these varieties are organically farmed without the use of fertilizers. 

  • California: These types of almonds are mostly used in cooking and garnishing. They are chemically processed, due to which they have a sweeter taste. 

  • Gurbandi: These types of almonds are nutritionally more dense than others. It is rich in Vitamin E, omega 3, petrochemicals and other antioxidants. 

7 Various health Benefits of Almonds

Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds have various health benefits due to the high amounts of vitamins, fatty acids, fibres, and antioxidants. Some of them are listed below,

1. Almonds are Rich in Antioxidants

You all would have heard about how good ‘antioxidants’ are to the body. But what do they actually do? In simple terms, these clear up the metabolic wastes and toxins that build up in the cells which if left can probably cause cancers and other health issues. Almonds are rich in antioxidants that can repair your body and protect the cells. So, indirectly they are playing a great role in preventing cancers too!

2. Almonds are Loaded with Fibres 

Fibres have absolutely no nutritional value yet they are counted on as an important nutrient in every food. That’s because fibres play an indirect yet incredible job in promoting your overall health. Fibres help in promoting the healthy functioning of the digestive system and prevent overeating by giving the feeling of fullness. So, almonds play a role in benefitting your holistic health.

3. Almonds are High in Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one such magic vitamin that is good for your hair, skin, brain, nerves, and even reproductive system. Other than this, vitamin E also helps in preventing chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

4. Almond Controls Diabetes

The benefits of almonds also include their role in controlling diabetes. This is due to their low sugar and high fibre content. Almonds help in regulating the blood sugar levels and insulin levels after meals, so they should always be your top priority if you are diabetic!

5. Almond Benefits High Blood Pressure

The next benefit of almonds is their efficiency in bringing down blood pressure! Almonds are rich in magnesium that is linked to reduced blood pressure. If you are not meeting recommended dietary intake of magnesium, add almonds to your diet!

6. Almond Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Almonds are rich in polyphenol antioxidants that can reduce the amount of ‘bad cholesterol’ called LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) in your body! Not just lowering the bad cholesterols, they also help in preventing their oxidation. Thereby reducing oxidative stress and protecting your vital organs.

7. Almond Aids Weight loss

Due to the presence of fibres, almonds can do wonders for your weight loss journey. The fibres in it help you in controlling your appetite which prevents you from binge eating your favourite desserts. Other than this, almonds can also be good pre-workout snacks due to their high-fat content. So, grab some handful of almonds on your next workout!

Uses of Almonds

Almonds are very popular among consumers due to their high amount of nutrients and this enabled the development of various value-added products out of it. Some of them are almond milk, almond flour, and almond ice cream. Other than this, they are used in bakery products as toppings and ingredients.

Almond Facts

Here are some of the facts that can make you go ‘WOW’!

  • Almond trees originated from the Middle East but now the US tops the production of almonds.

  • They are one of the oldest domesticated trees that date back to 2000 to 3000 years.

  • Due to their high vitamin E content, they can be stored in cold storage for at least two years.

  • Contrary to their name as ‘nuts’, they are actually ‘seeds’.

Side Effects of Almonds

Side Effects of Almonds

Though there are many benefits of almonds, they too can cause health risks when over consumed like,

  • Allergies

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Itching

  • Shortness of breath

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Diarrhoea

  • Obesity

Take-home Points

  • Health benefits of almonds are due to their amazing nutrient profile that is loaded with antioxidants, fibres, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Some of the most common benefits of almonds are

  • Overconsumption of almonds can cause weight gain, nausea, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing, and itching.


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